Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fisher's "Asian Quadrants"

Former CEO of Neurocam International has released her latest work called Asian Quadrant.

Ms. Fisher has been under the protective custody of Y1 since a death threat in May of 2005.

Y1 has a network of Asian Entertainers that have been protecting Ms. Fisher and also relaying messages to key operatives via T.I.T.A.N.

O R B I S - T E R T I U S

O R B I S - T E R T I U S


The Myth of Uqbar
Inside a lonely and unique copy of the volume XVI of the Anglo-American Cyclopaedia Borges and Bioy Casares found the first notice about Uqbar and with it, the first clue to reach Tlön. This unique issue (no other has any article on Uqbar) was lost with Borges' life though the curious reader might find it hidden somewhere among the many old antique shops in San Telmo, Buenos Aires.

In this rare book Uqbar (or Ukkbar as it appears in the literature) is described as a zone limited to the south by the lowlands of Tsai Jaldun and the Axa delta.
Maybe the most important fact about the Uqbarian culture is that its literature repeateadly alludes to the imaginary land of Tlön, a realm created by Uqbar's intellectual elite just like Thomas More's Utopia.

Borges has discovered that Uqbar actually was also an imaginary land, the result of a philosophical quest of an intellectual elite who pursued the creation of a "virtual" country that were free from the sins of the known world.

Johannes Valentinus Andreä, a german theologian who belonged to this elite, was the first to write about Uqbar and its fantastic literature early in 1641. Unfortunately most of his writings were lost in the Great Purgue of Prague during 1673 and the only references we got about them are De Quincey's and the ones from the founders of a well known Lodge, the Rosa Cruscae.

The Buckley Project
Ezra Buckley an american millionaire who knew the secrets of the Cabala ran into the Uqbarian literature near 1870 and decided to refound the lost Tlön cult by secretly organizing a society of scientists, artists and intellectuals. However Bucley's idea was that of the creation of a PLANET instead of a virtual nation. This society's secret goal was to gain a "connection" or "link" with the inmaterial realm of Tlön by writing books that fully describe its original features, including botany, zoology, architectonic schools, music and every possible detail.

The Tlön Secret Society, as they called to themselves, gathered this titanic intellectual effort in a very rare and mistical work: The First Encyclopaedia of Tlön. The copies of the encyclopaedia's forty volumes were distributed among the Society members and no one else has seen them. By reading its innumerable pages, the voyager (the reader), should have been able to reach this wonderland.

Only a few people have reported the reality of the existence of this Encyclopaedia. It is kown that one of the copies was lost in a fire at the Arkham Public Library in 1937. The remaining volumes are still lost, probably scattered around the world.

Just a Myth ?
In the last forty or fifty years there have been reports of people finding objects that could only have come from Tlön. Strange obelisks made of a supernatural dense material were discovered in South America. These obelisks were identified as the ones described by Johannes Andreä four centuries ago.

Have the Tlönist found a way to reach Tlön ? Is Tlön gradually getting through our reality ? Nobody knows.

Maybe you were the chosen to find out

Can anyone tell me if this game is interesting and if it is difficult for a simple user to set up on their computer?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Moriarty Conflict

Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 02:45:47 -0700
Subject: Moriarty Conflict
From: Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert

Forwarded Message [ Download File | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 23:56:46 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Shall I ass him or will you...

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Like I said...lick my ass you cock smoker...

Fuck Off.

This is a simple investigation and if you think this is any of your
business you can fuck your mother.

I told Henley I would cooperate with you and give you my full
support...but not if you are going to disrespect me.

You are a silly little piece of shit if you think you can fuck with me.

This is your unveiling shit face...get the fuck off my dick or this
get ugly.

> You will do nothing of the sort. In addition, any further operations
> coming from your office are to be cleared by either Robert or myself.
> Where is that email retraction? I will give you one hour from now
> I send my own retraction of your activities.
> James

Forwarded Message

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 23:51:55 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Gigabane Investigation

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Hey James....

suck my cock...

> I have no time to discuss this at the moment. I am too busy putting
> the fires you have lit.
> I have requested that your access be temporarily revoked until we can
> this mess out. You can impress me by sending a retraction to the
> Operatives included in the original operation. Blame it on a
> miscommunication, the organization in flux, anything that defuses
> firestorm (and it IS a firestorm at this point).
> Copy me and Gigabane on this email.
> You do NOT want me defusing this, Sam. It will put you in a bad
light and
> could lead to your being disavowed. Mr. Henley is standing by to
back the
> plays that I call in this situation.
> After we have doused this storm I will happily sit down and discuss
> philosophy.
> James
>> I find this attitude suspicious.
>> There appears to be some collusion here.
>> What do you make of this? Is this the proper attitude you desire
> operatives?
>> Regards,
>> Sam

Forwarded Message

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 20:40:05 -0700
Subject: Re: Shall I ass him or will you...

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You will do nothing of the sort. In addition, any further operations
coming from your office are to be cleared by either Robert or myself.

Where is that email retraction? I will give you one hour from now
I send my own retraction of your activities.



Forwarded Message

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:53:06 -0700
Subject: Re: Gigabane Investigation

Plain Text Attachment [ Download File | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]

I have no time to discuss this at the moment. I am too busy putting
the fires you have lit.

I have requested that your access be temporarily revoked until we can
this mess out. You can impress me by sending a retraction to the
Operatives included in the original operation. Blame it on a
miscommunication, the organization in flux, anything that defuses this
firestorm (and it IS a firestorm at this point).

Copy me and Gigabane on this email.

You do NOT want me defusing this, Sam. It will put you in a bad light
could lead to your being disavowed. Mr. Henley is standing by to back
plays that I call in this situation.

After we have doused this storm I will happily sit down and discuss


> I find this attitude suspicious.
> There appears to be some collusion here.
> What do you make of this? Is this the proper attitude you desire from
> Regards,
> Sam

Forwarded Message

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:49:11 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Shall I ass him or will you...

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Forwarded Message

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:40:02 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Gigabane Investigation

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I find this attitude suspicious.

There appears to be some collusion here.

What do you make of this? Is this the proper attitude you desire from



Forwarded Message

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:38:18 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Gigabane Investigation

Plain Text Attachment [ Download File | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]

Subject: Re: Canadian Affair Investigation
From: "Nikolaus Maack"
Date: Mon, March 27, 2006 4:59 am
Priority: Normal
Options: View Full Header | View Printable Version


I have had no contact with Gigabane, save forwarding him the email you
just sent me.


On Mar 27, 2006, at 6:44 AM, wrote:

> Operative Sebastian Hoddle,
> Neurocam International appreciates your full cooperation in this
> investigation.
> Your name appeared on a list that was allegedly circulated by
> operative
> Gigabane. We would ask that you forward any and all correspondence
> have had with Gigabane as well as anyone who has purported to be
> Canadian
> NCI management.
> Full amnesty will be given to any individuals who have have been
> involved
> with an attempt to wrestle Canadian NCI from the Nautonier and who
> provide complete information as to their involvement. Operatives
> to
> be in collusion with Operative Gigabane after this request for
> voluntary
> information will be immediately terminated.
> Please forward your complete archives of any contact you may have
> with Operative Gigabane at your soonest convenience no later than
> Friday
> March 31st at the close of business in Australia.
> This investigation is to remain completely secret and you are to
> no
> one of this request until the investigation is completed.
> Thank you again for your cooperation.
> Regards,
> Samuel Paris,
> Security Manager
> Neurocam International

Forwarded Message

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:37:43 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Gigabane Investigation

Plain Text Attachment [ Download File | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]

Subject: Re: Canadian Affair Investigation
From: "Nikolaus Maack"
Date: Mon, March 27, 2006 5:41 pm
Priority: Normal
Options: View Full Header | View Printable Version


> Please explain to me what you did not understand from the following
> direct order you were given.
>> This investigation is to remain completely secret and you are to
>> no one of this request until the investigation is completed.

From the Tao Teh Ching, chapter 13, emphasis mine:

Favor and disgrace are things that startle;
High rank is, like one's body, a source of great trouble.

What is meant by saying favor and disgrace are things that startle?
Favor when it is bestowed on a subject serves to startle as much as
when it is withdrawn.
This is what is meant by saying that favor and disgrace are things
that startle.
What is meant by saying that high rank is, like one's body, a source
of great trouble?
The reason I have great trouble is that I have a body.
When I no longer have a body, what trouble have I?

Hence he who values his body more than dominion over the empire can
entrusted with the empire.
He who loves his body more than dominion over the empire can be given
the custody of the empire.

> We will continue to investigate your personal connection to the
> Canadian
> Affair.

Knock yourself out.

> You are under strict orders not to discuss this case with anyone.

Ha, ha, ha.


Forwarded Message

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 17:59:38 -0700
Subject: Re: Gigabane Investigation

Plain Text Attachment [ Download File | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]


> Operative theGraz is terminated from my service as of this moment.

Thankfully, this means nothing.

> I do not take orders from you Mr. Moriarty.

You will. I do have some work for your department.

> There is no discussion. You do not have a say. All you have done was
> show that Operative theGraz is a failure and get him fired.

Amusing. And equally incorrect. We have plans for theGraz.

> Yeah, you are Tenex not mistake.

Good guess. Wrong. But a good guess. I, on the other hand, know
precisely who you are.

> You damed humanist! I love you too.

Humanist? The best kind. Musn't we be staunchly humanist in this
organization? There aren't chess pieces we are dealing with and we've
seen the effects of treating them as such.



>> Mr. Paris,
>> I am cleared through the highest levels of the organization. You
>> welcome to check that.
>> Your Gigabane "investigation" has become nothing more than a witch
>> and I will not allow it to procede any further. Operative Gigabane,
>> he
>> is guilty of anything, is guilty of having the wrong
>> But he has been the topic of very high level discussion and we will
>> allow you or Titan to jeopardize an excellent Operative with a long
>> career
>> with NCI ahead of him. End of discussion.
>> I also find your personal comments distasteful and ignorant.
>> Additionally
>> I will double check to make certain your IP was masked when you sent
>> only that but any coorespondance to Operative theGraz. If I find
>> you
>> are ignoring security protocols I will have you censured. We do NOT
>> take
>> such offensive stances towards our Operatives. However, I have no
>> qualms
>> taking such a stance towards YOU.
>> "We know it is you Steve"
>> You know nothing. Watch your step very carefully around MY
>> Paris or you will BE nothing.
>> Have a nice day.
>> James Moriarty
>> Special Operations Liason
>>> Hello Sir,
>>> I am officially inquiring about your clearance of the Gigabane
>>> Investigation. It has come through some very unusual channels and
>>> information has not been confirmed.
>>> I would like to enquire as to your intent in contacting operatives
>>> that
>>> are working on deep cover Yellow One operations.
>>> I will ask you to provide you clearance level before I go to
>>> to
>>> investigate further.
>>> I would also ask you to explain the roumer that you are Operative
>>> Gigabanes sheild? Why does an operative require a shield from a
>>> internal investigation? What information pertaining to this case
>>> you
>>> provide me.
>>> I have made it clear to upper management that we alrady expect to
>>> nothing but feel remiss if we do not conduct a standard
>>> I have openings if you are interested in working for my department
>>> security. We are currently looking for a new case as this Gigabane
>>> fiasco
>>> has taken far too much of our time.
>>> There is some thought that Cronin is back in action...from my
>>> he
>>> is in contact with Adam Tenex who is in the Henley times.
>>> It seems they want to take another crack at T.I.T.A.N., the poor
>>> idiots.
>>> Cronin is hard for me to believe...but you know how he feels about
>>> Gigsy...they were lovers in high school...very hush hush...Cronin
>>> going to be senator one day...hahahaha
>>> Imagine if I can show that Cronin is still working with
>>> would ruin them both. I am so fond of Cronin, he is one of the
first to
>>> infiltrate T.I.T.A.N. but sort of lost it when he tried to cross
>>> FiatNOX
>>> and Beltaine.
>>> I am not sure how long you have been around. I have been working a
>>> of
>>> these cases for over a year. Please try not to interfere with my
>>> or
>>> even my suspected team. We are engaged in an honest effort.
>>> The "economy" is tiny right now...if you know what I mean. Or did
>>> study that with Constance Paige or not. It was quite enlightening I
>>> sure you could find it. "Economy" is one of the secrets to reading
>>> dynamics of the security situation. There are only so many
>>> who are able to act and we have files on everyone of them, deep
>>> psychological files.
>>> We know it is you Steve...
>>> Regards,
>>> Samuel Paris,
>>> Security Manager
>>> Neurocam International

Forwarded Message

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 17:42:39 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Gigabane Investigation

Plain Text Attachment [ Download File | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]


Operative theGraz is terminated from my service as of this moment.

I do not take orders from you Mr. Moriarty.

You may characterize my investigation how ever you please but you have
authourty it interfere in a standard investigation.

I am using anonomyzer to protect my IP please do check I would love
good feed back on that.

There is no discussion. You do not have a say. All you have done was to
show that Operative theGraz is a failure and get him fired.

You seem to be the type to nurture the failures in our organization, I
find that distasteful and ignorant.

Yeah, you are Tenex not mistake.

You damed humanist! I love you too.


> Mr. Paris,
> I am cleared through the highest levels of the organization. You are
> welcome to check that.
> Your Gigabane "investigation" has become nothing more than a witch
> and I will not allow it to procede any further. Operative Gigabane,
if he
> is guilty of anything, is guilty of having the wrong
> But he has been the topic of very high level discussion and we will
> allow you or Titan to jeopardize an excellent Operative with a long
> with NCI ahead of him. End of discussion.
> I also find your personal comments distasteful and ignorant.
> I will double check to make certain your IP was masked when you sent
> only that but any coorespondance to Operative theGraz. If I find
that you
> are ignoring security protocols I will have you censured. We do NOT
> such offensive stances towards our Operatives. However, I have no
> taking such a stance towards YOU.
> "We know it is you Steve"
> You know nothing. Watch your step very carefully around MY
> Paris or you will BE nothing.
> Have a nice day.
> James Moriarty
> Special Operations Liason
>> Hello Sir,
>> I am officially inquiring about your clearance of the Gigabane
>> Investigation. It has come through some very unusual channels and
>> information has not been confirmed.
>> I would like to enquire as to your intent in contacting operatives
>> are working on deep cover Yellow One operations.
>> I will ask you to provide you clearance level before I go to
>> to
>> investigate further.
>> I would also ask you to explain the roumer that you are Operative
>> Gigabanes sheild? Why does an operative require a shield from a
>> internal investigation? What information pertaining to this case can
>> provide me.
>> I have made it clear to upper management that we alrady expect to
>> nothing but feel remiss if we do not conduct a standard
>> I have openings if you are interested in working for my department
>> security. We are currently looking for a new case as this Gigabane
>> fiasco
>> has taken far too much of our time.
>> There is some thought that Cronin is back in action...from my
>> he
>> is in contact with Adam Tenex who is in the Henley times.
>> It seems they want to take another crack at T.I.T.A.N., the poor
>> idiots.
>> Cronin is hard for me to believe...but you know how he feels about
>> Gigsy...they were lovers in high school...very hush hush...Cronin is
>> going to be senator one day...hahahaha
>> Imagine if I can show that Cronin is still working with
>> would ruin them both. I am so fond of Cronin, he is one of the first
>> infiltrate T.I.T.A.N. but sort of lost it when he tried to cross
>> and Beltaine.
>> I am not sure how long you have been around. I have been working a
>> of
>> these cases for over a year. Please try not to interfere with my
team or
>> even my suspected team. We are engaged in an honest effort.
>> The "economy" is tiny right now...if you know what I mean. Or did
>> study that with Constance Paige or not. It was quite enlightening I
>> sure you could find it. "Economy" is one of the secrets to reading
>> dynamics of the security situation. There are only so many
>> who are able to act and we have files on everyone of them, deep
>> psychological files.
>> We know it is you Steve...
>> Regards,
>> Samuel Paris,
>> Security Manager
>> Neurocam International

Forwarded Message

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 07:15:10 -0700
Subject: Re: Gigabane Investigation

Plain Text Attachment [ Download File | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]

Mr. Paris,

I am cleared through the highest levels of the organization. You are
welcome to check that.

Your Gigabane "investigation" has become nothing more than a witch hunt
and I will not allow it to procede any further. Operative Gigabane, if
is guilty of anything, is guilty of having the wrong
But he has been the topic of very high level discussion and we will not
allow you or Titan to jeopardize an excellent Operative with a long
with NCI ahead of him. End of discussion.

I also find your personal comments distasteful and ignorant.
I will double check to make certain your IP was masked when you sent
only that but any coorespondance to Operative theGraz. If I find that
are ignoring security protocols I will have you censured. We do NOT
such offensive stances towards our Operatives. However, I have no
taking such a stance towards YOU.

"We know it is you Steve"

You know nothing. Watch your step very carefully around MY Operatives,
Paris or you will BE nothing.

Have a nice day.

James Moriarty
Special Operations Liason

> Hello Sir,
> I am officially inquiring about your clearance of the Gigabane
> Investigation. It has come through some very unusual channels and the
> information has not been confirmed.
> I would like to enquire as to your intent in contacting operatives
> are working on deep cover Yellow One operations.
> I will ask you to provide you clearance level before I go to
Nautonier to
> investigate further.
> I would also ask you to explain the roumer that you are Operative
> Gigabanes sheild? Why does an operative require a shield from a
> internal investigation? What information pertaining to this case can
> provide me.
> I have made it clear to upper management that we alrady expect to
> nothing but feel remiss if we do not conduct a standard investigtion.
> I have openings if you are interested in working for my department
> security. We are currently looking for a new case as this Gigabane
> has taken far too much of our time.
> There is some thought that Cronin is back in action...from my
reports he
> is in contact with Adam Tenex who is in the Henley times.
> It seems they want to take another crack at T.I.T.A.N., the poor
> Cronin is hard for me to believe...but you know how he feels about
> Gigsy...they were lovers in high school...very hush hush...Cronin is
> going to be senator one day...hahahaha
> Imagine if I can show that Cronin is still working with Gigsy...that
> would ruin them both. I am so fond of Cronin, he is one of the first
> infiltrate T.I.T.A.N. but sort of lost it when he tried to cross
> and Beltaine.
> I am not sure how long you have been around. I have been working a
lot of
> these cases for over a year. Please try not to interfere with my team
> even my suspected team. We are engaged in an honest effort.
> The "economy" is tiny right now...if you know what I mean. Or did
> study that with Constance Paige or not. It was quite enlightening I
> sure you could find it. "Economy" is one of the secrets to reading
> dynamics of the security situation. There are only so many
> who are able to act and we have files on everyone of them, deep
> psychological files.
> We know it is you Steve...
> Regards,
> Samuel Paris,
> Security Manager
> Neurocam International

Forwarded Message

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 04:16:55 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Gigabane Investigation

Plain Text Attachment [ Download File | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]

Hello Sir,

I am officially inquiring about your clearance of the Gigabane
Investigation. It has come through some very unusual channels and the
information has not been confirmed.

I would like to enquire as to your intent in contacting operatives
are working on deep cover Yellow One operations.

I will ask you to provide you clearance level before I go to Nautonier
investigate further.

I would also ask you to explain the roumer that you are Operative
Gigabanes sheild? Why does an operative require a shield from a simple
internal investigation? What information pertaining to this case can
provide me.

I have made it clear to upper management that we alrady expect to find
nothing but feel remiss if we do not conduct a standard investigtion.

I have openings if you are interested in working for my department of
security. We are currently looking for a new case as this Gigabane
has taken far too much of our time.

There is some thought that Cronin is back in action...from my reports
is in contact with Adam Tenex who is in the Henley times.

It seems they want to take another crack at T.I.T.A.N., the poor

Cronin is hard for me to believe...but you know how he feels about
Gigsy...they were lovers in high school...very hush hush...Cronin is
going to be senator one day...hahahaha

Imagine if I can show that Cronin is still working with Gigsy...that
would ruin them both. I am so fond of Cronin, he is one of the first to
infiltrate T.I.T.A.N. but sort of lost it when he tried to cross
and Beltaine.

I am not sure how long you have been around. I have been working a lot
these cases for over a year. Please try not to interfere with my team
even my suspected team. We are engaged in an honest effort.

The "economy" is tiny right now...if you know what I mean. Or did you
study that with Constance Paige or not. It was quite enlightening I am
sure you could find it. "Economy" is one of the secrets to reading the
dynamics of the security situation. There are only so many individuals
who are able to act and we have files on everyone of them, deep
psychological files.

We know it is you Steve...

Samuel Paris,
Security Manager
Neurocam International

Friday, March 17, 2006

Telephone Booth...

+44-1603-897013....Spixworth Social Club
Crostwick Lane, Spixworth

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

One Cold December Night...

Click Image for Movie...

From Ciaran Dyke Wed Dec 7 06:38:04 2005
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Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 11:08:04 -0330
From: "Ciaran Dyke" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
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Subject: Re: Hey Fyck Wit... : D
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Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 11:08:04 -0330
From: "Ciaran Dyke"
To: "Chris Titan"
Subject: Hey Fyck Wit... : D

Nice to see ya to sunshine.
I've still been around, believe me, Im checking the Neuroboards everyday.
I just dont respond to things anymore, most I find arent worth the effort.
But the narrative continues in my own way.
Im still worknig hard, I'll try and make my presence more known again soon. I have plans with Cronin to run the entire Canadian operations and if I don't I have been given all I need to destroy Neurocam. You are not the only one who can play that game Titan. If you don't believe me here are the names of the Canadian operatives I rule.
But yeah, exams are this week and everything, so maybe once they're done. I have some plans for you now that I have learned that you can't flame me or you will lose your new special operative status. Dos Equis almost did you in. I will finish you Titan and if Henley thinks he can stop me I will destroy Neurocam.