Saturday, July 30, 2005

Judas Times Ten

Originally uploaded by ChrisTitan.
Judas Times Ten

Chapter Seven
The Sabotage Of The Great Oak.

"I knew you would come back," said Sandy. Sandy was one of the few squirrles who was ever looking for Robert in the first place, he ad climbed every tall tree in the park but had never had sight nor sound of him until now. He much prefered the great oak tree under Roberts supervision. "I told eveyone, I did. I knew I would find you."
"And i'm glad you did." Robert finally replied. "Have you seen what they have done to my fine old oak? There are no lush green leaves, there are no juicy acorns and there are NO cosy cubby holes to play and hide in." And with that, Robert started to cry.
"Don't cry," said Sandy, let's think of a way to get your tree back. And that is what they did. They sat all day and all night until they thought their brains would explode. But then, Robert had a fine idea, even if he did say so himself.
"Sandy, I want you and another 9 squirrles to go back to my old tree, and sabotage it slowly from the inside, corrupting data and leaking private information, in order for me to be back in power, there has to be nothing left at the oak tree, we must start fresh from ground zero. Go back, with 9 others, allow them to think that you are all part of the process and then bring it all down."
"Can I have a sandwich first?" pondered Sandy

And so Sandy returned to the great Oak tree. Him and his 9 friend Sabotaged it like Robert had asked them, and then after a few weeks there was nothing left in the tree... And Robert returned, glad to have his old tree back again. And the 10 squirrles who had betrayed were happy too. Except one, who took his own life in an unrelated incident.


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