Thursday, December 08, 2005

Hawkwind (Interview - Bergen, Norway May 4, 2005)

Digital Nation describes the Neurocam Experience perfectly...
-Chris Titan

SH: Digital Nation. That is credited to Richard..

RC: Yeah. That is a song about computer games and the whole idea of online gaming where you... you must have read about the phenomenon of people, where you play video games and you build up your skills and it can take a long time. Hours of play to build those skills up and people start to sell those characters online because they are worth lots of money in terms of gaming hours. So the idea of interacting in a virtual world, that is what that song is all about really. I must admit, I based it on the best 3D third person type gaming environment, which was Tomb Raider. that was the first one that really brought the whole idea of 3D video gaming to ageā€¦ Tomb Raider.


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