Wednesday, November 09, 2005

s0ss flexes his little muscle...

Let us make it clear that s0ss has banned me for exposing him as Xade, or at least raising the question.

Is the Neurocam community going to let this punk ruin their reputation?

s0ss has temporarily banned me from IRC...

this is the start of a new Narrative...

itan> at the bottom, slightly indented
to clarify who is speaking
ill get an admin aka xade, means xade is the admin and the only one who can change things like avs.
* ChanServ sets mode: +o s0ss
but there is room for doubt
only in your head.
and that is where narrative grows on itself
Well take your narrative to the boards.
or your blog
Keep it out of here.
my head...and other heads
* s0ss sets mode: +b Titan!*
we have to monitor Trisk
#neurocam Cannot send to channel (You are banned)


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