Thursday, May 04, 2006

A 1920s Movie Set in London

Classic I sent the wrong movie...

I was supposed to send this one...

This has more to do with the identity blending that is taking place...

This is standard procedure...just listen carefully...

On 30/04/2006, at 7:57 PM, Chris Titan wrote:

> Do you want to meet in London or in a 1920's Movie?
> -Chris Titan

From: "Hagakure 419"
Subject: Re:
Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 21:57:09 +1000
To: "Chris Titan"

Dear Mr Titan,

I take it your communique constitutes a request to participate in our
recently advertised 'open season', aimed at identifying potential new
contributors to Hagakure 419.

Once submissions close on the 14th, your suitability will be assessed.
On the basis of this assessment, you may be offered an invitation to
post on the blog.

> Do you want to meet in London or in a 1920's Movie?

I do not wish to meet you at this time. If your enquiry refers to the
content of your hypothetical future posts, it is redundant. There are
no prescribed content guidelines. London, a 1920s movie, a 1920s movie
set in London - the choice is yours.

That said, you are warned that failure to adhere to the strict but
unspoken standards enforced by the secret invisible masters of H419 may
prove catastrophic and devastating.

We'll be in touch.


Gyrjzlch Dostoyevski
Head of Development
Hagakure 419


Blogger Firefox said...

So... shouldn't there be an official "Vote Titan" site?

Shurely T.I.T.A.N agents can muster enough support to get you in?

2:15 PM  
Blogger Chris Titan said...

If you look closely at the content that they have generated it is really not a T.I.T.A.N. agent enviornment.

The way they are going on about sepeku and sellig their beings lets you know that they have some real "integrity" issues.

We were really just giving them a change to show that they learned something...too bad.

T.I.T.A.N. agents are about to get a new project. We are working with the S&B Agency on some fund raisers. We are going to do a little bounty hunting for money.

We will no doubt require all our world assets in this project.

6:05 PM  

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