Thursday, November 10, 2005

s0ss smells like cabbage...

teigan> Hidey ho neurokids
s0ss> hi teigan
teigan> what's the word?
s0ss> nothing
teigan> lot of rumours flying around it seems
teigan> that's very dull
teigan> I have been hearing all kinds of stories
teigan> Most of them complete rubbish
teigan> For example, I can confirm that Neurocam IS a cabbage
deadsoybean> Reaaallly?
deadsoybean> I hate cabbage!
teigan> No, not really
teigan> It depends how you define "cabbage"
teigan> If "cabbage" is something you can smell, see, hear taste & touch
teigan> Cabbage is merely electrical signals interpreted by your brain
s0ss> heh
teigan> And other cliches
s0ss> gotta go

teigan> byebye
s0ss> dont talk bad about me behind my back
deadsoybean> Toodles
teigan> ok
teigan> ditto!!
deadsoybean> Psst... teigan... soss smells funny
deadsoybean> :P
teigan> heheh i know
teigan> she smells like cabbage
teigan> how are you anyway nada
teigan> long time no nothing
teigan> I think you should change your name to Nada Manson
teigan> I'd vote for you
deadsoybean> Everything is peachy keen!
deadsoybean> Nada Manson?
teigan> if you ran for president as Nada Manson
teigan> Rilly?
deadsoybean> I think I should change my name to Nada Manson too
teigan> That's ace!



Blogger teigan said...

It's all true. Bob the Mediocre is going to be vice president. I will be the evil puppetmaster pulling all the strings from behind the scenes.

It's gonna be great.

2:20 AM  
Blogger teigan said...

PS I got the following Google ads on your sidebar:

Eliminate Vaginal Odor
Enzara Will Quickly & Safely Get Rid Of Vaginal Odor, Guaranteed.

Strong natural deodorizers for the Australian cleaning industry

Urine odour & stain remover - no matter how old or how bad it smells

Pet Urine Remover Recipe
Don't buy expensive cleaners! Make your own with this easy recipe

Odor Mask
Reusable activated charcoal mask Absorbs strong human and pet smells.


2:49 AM  
Blogger Chris Titan said...

Ads by Goooooogle
Urine Odor Remover Recipe
Make your own odor remover! Easy recipe for pet or human urine.

Searching For Jesus?
We'll Pay You $300 Right Now For A Quick Jesus Survey!

Eliminate Vaginal Odor
Solves Odor Problems at the Source! A Safe Natural Guaranteed Solution.

Odor Mask
Reusable activated charcoal mask Absorbs strong human and pet smells

Urine Odor Info
Get Info on Urine Odor From 14 Search Engines in 1


This is how the google bots feel about s0ss smelling like a over-cooked cabbage head.
Urine-Off is what I use when I Neurocam. I piss my self laughing so often than I have started using a Neurosuit to post I just clean the same outfit when it starts to turn.
You can't beat Urine-Off. But if you are in really lazt mood an odor mask will buy you a day or two...

7:22 PM  
Blogger Chris Titan said...

No please go click on these...


7:23 PM  

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